About Us

Qazi & Company is providing services in two domains i.e. (1) Self preparation of all kind of Judicial matters, viz, letters, their replies, legal notices, their replies, suits, writ petitions, bail applications, civil / criminal appeals, NAB Petitions, service, rent cases, family cases appeals, F.R.As, S.M.As, contracts / agreements, sale agreements, undertakings, memorandum of understandings (MOUs) execution & registration of sale deeds, relinquishment deeds, trustdeeds, etc. before the sub-registrar concerned.

(2) Legal consultation for which we retain a team of Advocates & barristers, who are competent, loyal committed, well-recognized and appearing before all the competent forums of law i.e. from  Lower Courts to Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Due to vast experience of about 30 years of serving with the Hon’ble High Court of Sindh, we have cordial working relations amongst the staff of higher as well as Lower Judiciary of all four Provinces including their respective Bar Associations.

Furthermore, we are also providing online services to our precious clients & Learned Advocates who are residing or carrying on their business from outside the country / abroad.

Our Mission

It is our firm’s mission to provide high-quality legal services, to represent and defend our domestic clients before any court or tribunal throughout the country. We try our best to meet the expectations and to anticipate the needs of our domestic as well international clients in a manner that adheres to the highest standards of excellence and integrity, in a timely manner, with true advises in a right legal way.

Our Vision

Our primary ideology involves a deep respect for individuals and clients, a dedication to affordable service, trust and reliability. As a Pakistani law firm, we integrate our core values in the way we conduct our business and serve our clients. Our services are defined by ethos, integrity, confidentiality, trust and credibility. Putting our clients first is a simple philosophy, but is one that flows throughout every part of our business and underpins everything we do.


Muhammad Imran Qazi

Mr. Muhammad Imran Qazi had served with the Hon’ble High Court of Sindh, as P.A to judge since April, 1992, and retired in September, 2022 in BPS-18.  During long service tenure of about 30 years, He had served with various learned Hon’ble Judges of High Court of Sindh from the date of his appointment and possessvast experience of judiciary as well as self-preparation of all sorts of judicial & commercial works / correspondences.


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